Rooted in abundance,

we respond in gratitude.

What is Stewardship?

Stewardship begins with the belief everything — all that we have and all that we are — are gifts from God. We believe that we are rooted in abundance because God has given each of us an abundance of gifts, and our church community has a strong history.

Our response is to be good stewards of these gifts.

How is Christian stewardship practiced?

Intentionally choosing how to use our time and our specific skills to support the work of the church is the first step in practicing Christian stewardship. There are many opportunities to get involved, whether you are a hands-on person or someone who likes planning meetings, an extrovert or an introvert, a leader or good soldier, a cheer leader or quiet companion… We need all kinds of people with all kinds of personalities, skills, and gifts. See the pages under the “Serve” menu on our website for information about the various ways you can get involved in the worship and other ministries at Good Shepherd.

Another way we are invited to demonstrate stewardship is through the gift of an annual pledge.

Introduction to the theme “Rooted in Abundance”
by Father Bill Richter

What is an annual pledge / intention to give?

An annual pledge is a commitment of financial support to an organization—in this case, Good Shepherd, Kingwood —for the upcoming year. We recognize that financial situations can change unexpectedly, so we use the term “intention to give.” If your situation changes, we will understand.

Why fill out a stewardship card? 

Considering how you will share your time, talent and treasure, and making that intention known to others is a deeply spiritual and transformative act. When you complete a stewardship card, you are demonstrating that Good Shepherd’s mission and ministry means so much to you that you are willing to take personal responsibility for ensuring its continued presence. You are signing up to be a partner and co-creator of our beloved community.

How is pledging different from just giving through the collection plate?

First of all, please know that all gifts in whatever format and of whatever amount are welcomed.

One key point about pledges is that they are intentional. When you make a pledge, it (usually) will become a line item on your budget, one that you may reference throughout the year.

Pledging is helpful for the church in planning and budgeting, but its impact on you may be even more significant.

The intentional quality of a pledge may increase your interest and engagement in the community. You may find yourself attending more events and may discover new and fruitful activities and relationships. Your spiritual life may move even more to the forefront of your life.

Sharing our intentions is also an act done in community.

Whether we are making an annual gift for the first time or have been for many years, the spiritual act of sharing our intentions is an invitation to ponder how giving our time, talent and treasure aligns with our core values.

How should I decide how much to give?

The Bible refers to the tithe, which is ten percent of a pledger’s income. For those who are able, this is one potential starting point, but it is by no means required. It may become a goal to work toward in future years.

All pledges, of whatever amount, are deeply welcomed, valued, and appreciated.

As you consider your pledge, identify a weekly, monthly, or yearly amount. How does that feel to you? Mentally experiment with different amounts, perhaps a little more, perhaps a little less.

When you picture yourself giving an amount, and feel joy and gratitude, that may be your answer. You may also ask yourself: what amount feels like a step of faith and commitment?

I’m ready to share my intentions! Now what?

Fill out a stewardship card! These are available in both paper and online format. If you didn’t receive a card in the mail, you can pick one up at the welcome center in the Narthex.

Stewardship cards for 2024 will be collected at all services on December 3, 2023.

How do I fulfill my commitment?

You can fulfill your pledge any number of ways:

Through cash or check in the collection plate each week. If you do give cash, please request and use pledge envelopes, so that the church office can track your gifts.

Through online donations through our website.

Through recurring donations. (Contact the bookkeeper during office hours.)

What do I do if I need to change my annual gift amount?

We understand that people’s financial situations change unexpectedly. If you need to change your pledge amount, please call or email the bookkeeper or talk to a member of the clergy.  All conversations will be confidential.

I’m already giving financially, and I’ve filled out a card.  How else can I give?

There are many other ways you can give to Good Shepherd, including:

Giving through the collection plate, making a planned gift as part of your estate planning process, contributing to the clergy discretionary funds, or through specific appeals. Note that we are trying to reduce the number of specific financial appeals during the year by planning our operating budget in a way that covers regular maintenance, youth trips, regular support of area non-profits, and money set aside for expected repairs and replacements. When we make additional appeals it is because our pledged and regular unpledged income has not met all the needs of the community.